Wednesday, October 1, 2008

on my own basically.

For some reason, i thought everyone would be as bummed as me about me moving down here. all the i miss you's and come back now's just dont seem to have any heart in them anymore, it feels like people are saying that just because they know they should, its the good thing to do, to help me out and make me feel like i am somewhat loved. I mean but who is really bummed? I cant think of one person who would be devastated like me. Chelsea i know loves me with all her heart, but shes happy, she has her boyfriend matt and her beauty school starting, seans got melody and all his friends, virgils got a whole new entire batch of friends, arianna has david, i mean basically everyones happy, but me. But ive decided to forgive arianna, if you know me, you know i can not hold a grudge worth shit. & im trying to talk to conrad again, i just sent a message to him, just basically saying wassup? i just miss him as a friend, in no way am i trying anything sneaky, i mean come on how could i im in new mexico. when i used to talk to him, id try and make him feel guilty or flirt or something, anything. but this time its different, i just want the kid as a good friend, because we have similiar personalities, we'd be dope ass friends and i know that, i just wish he would just talk to me, i mean im not doing any harm.

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