Sunday, January 18, 2009


everything has been flipped, turned around, and fucked every which way possible. My bestest friend of 5 years or more, has just completely stopped our friendship, cold turkey. She says "we're completely two different people nowadays". and i know this is true, but when that happens your supposed to accept the other person, accept who they've become but she cant do that she just wants me to be who ive been always and i cant do that people change. Im cool with virgil again, but i dont think he cares really, hes got the perfect life nowadays and throwing me into the equation feels like something he doesnt want to do. My new best friend is amandine though, shes awesome, and having her makes it easier to forget about chelsea. The most random thing is going on though, im texting people i havent talked to in forever, im texting tewie and cole again, which is good because i used to have a gut feeling that both of them hated me. Oh and ive been texting elliot which is awesome because i missed that kid hes probably one of the few kids i can have a blast with. Hes just a huge dork like myself. Im starting to like New mexico though, its pretty legit. Im going to a show tonight with amandine with scarlet rouse and other bands, and scarlet rouse is releasing their new ep cd. I finally get to meet danny, because hes gonna be there. :D so tht should be fun. and im trying to get nathan to go, : D so haha it shud be a good night. so goodbye chelsea rosal im sure youll forget about about me but i cud never forget about you.

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