Saturday, November 29, 2008

if liqours a lover you know im a whore.

California's been amazing. Ive been here for a whole week. And im ridiculously sad to be going back to new mexico, my life is here! fuck new mexico. me and whitney are scheming a plan for me to live with her, shes been talking to her mom about it, hers mom thinking about it but hasnt given an answer yet. boo. i feel like i need conrad half the time. but he doesnt need me, not one bit and i know that, he says relationships are freaking him out at the moment and all i want right now is to be his, geez im fucking pathetic :/ my ears are 5/8's and im loving it but of course my mom and my aunt kellie are giving me lots of shit about it, like blah blah your gonna need plastic surgery when your 20 and all this, but what they dont know is ill be rockin these ears when im fukin 30 haha. everyone who follows my blog, should i give up on conrad? should i move on? idk what to do anymore. im going to hangout with virgil and dom today and then later tonight see conrad. i wanted to see whitney today but i think shes ignoring me, i hope not though, i hope shes just at work and cant get to her phone :/

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