Sunday, November 30, 2008

fuck it all. :D

Why do people think that i need them or something?
I really dont need virgil, fuck him, hes ego is way to big anyway, it bugged me constantly and i know it bugs others too, no one should have that much confidence. And plus hes like what nineteen now? and all his friends are about fifteen? so whos really the pathetic one? people only like him for his car anyways, i mean jesus h christ i dont know how he doesnt see that. I really dont fucking need ariana or david, they are juss people going nowhere in life, two potheads and one lives in a van. :D
im not gonna lie that i am pretty bummed about not hanging out with sean that much anymore, because i dont think mel wants us to hangout, and i dont want to go against that. shes his girlfriend and im going to respect that.
i did want to become good friends with tyler and dom, but i cant do that when theyre gonna be good friends with virgil. because im really through with virgil.
whitneys mom is still thinking about if i can live with them or not, i wish she woul dhurry up and make a decision, because she should just say yes already.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

if liqours a lover you know im a whore.

California's been amazing. Ive been here for a whole week. And im ridiculously sad to be going back to new mexico, my life is here! fuck new mexico. me and whitney are scheming a plan for me to live with her, shes been talking to her mom about it, hers mom thinking about it but hasnt given an answer yet. boo. i feel like i need conrad half the time. but he doesnt need me, not one bit and i know that, he says relationships are freaking him out at the moment and all i want right now is to be his, geez im fucking pathetic :/ my ears are 5/8's and im loving it but of course my mom and my aunt kellie are giving me lots of shit about it, like blah blah your gonna need plastic surgery when your 20 and all this, but what they dont know is ill be rockin these ears when im fukin 30 haha. everyone who follows my blog, should i give up on conrad? should i move on? idk what to do anymore. im going to hangout with virgil and dom today and then later tonight see conrad. i wanted to see whitney today but i think shes ignoring me, i hope not though, i hope shes just at work and cant get to her phone :/

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I don't like moriarty or titanic.

We're reading a story about the titanic at the moment, which im so bored about because im sure my whole fifth grade all we did was read and study that dam boat. My nose is so sore like I cn barely touch it and today I had to flip it in but my nose is swollen so it won't flip all the way in : \ if that fucking bitch on the bike tina catches me with this I swear im gonna slap a hoe. And I juss got here to MHS and already there's a rumor going around about me that I like nathan or something. I hate small towns. Im really excited though because im visiting cali in one week. And then staying in cali for a whole week im so stoked to see everyone again. And last nite was weird ariana was so pissed that I was texting david, juss because he texted me saying whasup and I replyed she led to assume that I liked him or some bullshit. Wtf puhlease. I might juss be this close to being done with her bullshit.