Monday, September 29, 2008

Its fucked up.

Welp. I was just talking to beanie kid on aim, and i brought up a joke that was along the lines of why he didnt date me when i did live in california. & he said it was because he was believing lies that some people had told him, and now he feels really dumb for believing those lies becuase he knows they were'nt true after getting to know me. I know me and aaron aren't chill, and i know me and cole aren't chill but i didn't think they were behind my back talking trash. It isnt really a shock or anything, i just never really thought of them doing that. I actually think one of their friends is really cute at the moment, and that i could possibly even like him, but now i know for sure that it will not happen, because cole and aaron will come along talking trash. Thanks you guys, you can really ruin some shit.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


I really dislike that im in New Mexico. I really dislike that people who i introduced to other people are partying without me. I really dislike that my friend who said she would be so happy to live down here, has no backed out because shes so fucking hooked on a certain someone. I really dislike my bestfriend ignoring my myspace messages. God you are all so fucking awesome. :)

Brand New Blog.

My name is Jessie. This is my new blog. I have an old blog at But i didnt like the way i sounded in that blog, i read through it, and its basically all about doods. And i dont want to be that way, where my life has to revolve around another, it should revolve around me, i should worry about me. Thats how i plan to live from now on, i cant make any promises to myself, but i can sure as hell try to change for the better. I lived in California my entire life, and now i live in New Mexico, its a huge change. But i think i can adapt.